“Forgiven by Nature” highlights the most significant moments of Pettena’s carrer, who in 1965 founded Radical Architecture in Florence (as well as movements like Archizoom, Superstudio and UFO), expressing a criticism against the normative architecture of that time and opposing a conceptual utopian language, driven by free thought and inspired by nature.
Poltronova takes part in the exhibition with the iconic Rumble sofa by Gianni Pettena.
Artist: Gianni Pettena
Curated by: Guillaume Désanges
Where: La Verrière e all’ISELP, Institut Supérieur pour l’Etude du Langage Plastique, Belgium
When: From 15th January to 13th march 2021
Photos by Isabelle Arthuis: Fondation d’entreprise Hermès